Digitalisation / automation
of a processWe are very pleased to have helped another customer to significantly simplify a work process.
The challenge ...
… was one that we were already familiar with from other projects for various customers. It’s about receiving data in a certain format and converting it in order to use or save it in another format.
In the current situation,
the customer receives a large number of text files with different numbers of “articles” every week.
Individual data from different columns is extracted from each of these text files and processed into an invoice that is saved as a PDF.
Current procedure
The current process consists of copying the required data step by step from the text files and pasting it into Excel. The file is then saved as a PDF. An e-mail is then created, whereby the recipient is selected from a list and copied. The PDF is attached and the e-mail is sent.
This is a time-consuming, repetitive and boring task that takes up an unnecessary amount of time.
The solution!
After analysing the workflow, we proposed a new process to the customer and then implemented it.
Now all that is needed is to select the text file and the storage location of the PDF file. The required data is automatically transferred from the text file and the PDF is created. An e-mail is then automatically generated, the document is attached and the recipient, subject and text of the e-mail are automatically filled in. At the end, the customer can check the PDF file and then send the e-mail.
This saves a considerable amount of time and our customer was very pleased with this simplification.